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Beef Stolen-Off

Beef Stolen-Off - Liz Lipperman Jordan McAllister is the food columnist for the Ranchero Globe even though she is a pretty clueless cook.

She may not know much about cuts of beef but Lucas Santana, cattle baron, thinks her column may help boost beef sales so he invites her to the Cattlemen's Ball. He even sets her up with a date for the evening. Unfortunately she doesn't get to know him very well. Shortly after the dinner starts he starts to sweat and have trouble breathing. She winds up at the emergency room where she finds her date was dead on arrival.

It is not long before she realizes his death was no accident. She decides it is up to her to take the bull by the horns and lasso up the killer.

Dollycas's Thoughts
This release date of this book couldn't have been planned better. The tv show Dallas is back on the air and in the very second episode the Ewings are at the Cattlemen's Ball. I didn't see Jordan hanging around but it sure wasn't hard to imagine that a murder could occur there. The author tells me there was no coordination between the show and this book release, just a happy coincidence.

This installment really has the Big Texas feel. Hunky cowboys, huge ranches, and of course Texas BBQ. The new characters in this book were so well defined it was hard to believe we just met them. The Empire Apartments gang was back in full glory and we even got to spend some time with Jordan's brother, Danny. Jordan's love life was kind of hit or miss in this installment. Hard when the guy you want to get to know so much better has a job that can need him in an instant and keep him away for weeks. Jordan also finally makes a friend at the paper.

The mystery is USDA Prime as well. Plenty of diversions to keep the reader on their toes. We learn a bit about cattle raising too, some of it hair raising as well.

Marbled through the entire mystery are touches of humor I have come to expect from Liz Lipperman. She has the gift are creating sassy dialogue, unique observations and circumstances that can make you laugh out loud. In this edition, the brother/sister pranks and commentary were so entertaining.

This series is absolutely wonderful. I can't wait until Murder for the Halibut comes out December 31, 2012. For now be sure to get your hands on Beef Stolen-Off today!!