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Buffalo West Wing

Buffalo West Wing - Julie Hyzy In this edition a new family, including two children, are welcomed to the White House, but the transition did not go smoothly by any means, especially between the White House Kitchen Staff and the new First Lady. In fact, it only took a few days for her to bring in their own personal family chef to prepare the family meals. The new chef believed he was hired to be the new executive chef of the entire White House, and was very disappointed to learn that Ollie (Olivia Paras) would retain her position but her load would be lightened as she would no longer be preparing the family meals. To say the kitchen was tense is an understatement. Adding to the stress was a package of Buffalo Wings delivered for the children's first night in their new home, but because the package did not go through proper channels Ollie could not serve them to the children. This was not well received by the First Lady and Ollie believes her days as White House Chef are numbered.

Unfortunately some staff ate the wings and became terribly sick. It is then the Ollie and certain secret service agents start to put together that the family was in danger, but they must keep mum about their suspicions to keep the first family safe and determine if they have someone on the staff working with the group targeting the First Family.


I absolutely positively loved this book, just as I did the other books in this series. We get a look at what goes on behind the scenes at the White House. Julie Hyzy did an exhaustive amount of research and you can see it in her writing. She takes us to a place you can't even see on a tour and divulges the inner workings, it is quite fascinating.

I immediately fell in love with Ollie, Cyan, Bucky and Henry. The new First Family with children added to the mix, brings in a whole new element to the story and the White House, the same way the Obama girl's have done in real life. I was touched by the Wisconsin reference, even though it was the location of a prison. The story could definitely be a "ripped from the headlines" saga. I understand how closely guarded our President's family is, and why the protocols are in place. This story is an edge of your seat mystery but also an excellent example of why the protocols are in place and what a dangerous world we live in today.

Julie, I am so glad I started this blog and found your marvelous work. Those nice little cliffhangers always leaving me wanting more. All the White House Chef Mysteries are a pure delight and I give all 4 books 5 stars and consider them a must read for every mystery lover!!!!

To find out more about Julie, this series, the Manor House Mystery series and her other mysteries be sure to check out her website.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received these books free from Berkley Prime Crime, a Division of Penguin Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 19s 16 CFR, Part 255 : 1CGuides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. 1D